What is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is the Japanese word for 'universal life energy', the vital energy around and within all living things. Reiki is a simple and powerful natural system of energy healing that evolved in Japan in the 1920s through the experience and dedication of Dr Mikao Usui. Today Reiki continues to be taught by Reiki Masters who have trained in the tradition passed down from Master to student. There is no belief system attached to Reiki and it is not necessary to have any particular knowledge or ability to learn or benefit from it. The only prerequisite is a desire to be healed. Anyone can learn to use Reiki for developing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual harmony and wholeness in themselves and for assisting others. Reiki is related to some practices of Chinese Medicine, Chi Gong and other Holistic Medicine and modes. The hand placements correspond to some of those points used in Acupuncture and other practices but no needles, pressure or massage is used. A Reiki Treatment A full Reiki treatment usually takes 1 to 1.5 hours. The recipient lies on a couch and is made comfortable. If it is not easy to lie down then the treatment can be given in a sitting position. Anything that might dig in or hinder relaxation, such as a belt or big buckle, can be removed but clothes are kept on. The practitioner gently places their hands either on or near the head and body in a sequence of hand positions, channelling the Reiki energy through their hands onto the recipient. Reiki works with you to restore energetic balance and repair blockages and tears in the energy field which create disease and unhappiness. This can take time. Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment nor is it a diagnostic tool. It can be used to treat adults, children, animals and even plants - anything that has a life force will respond to the Reiki energy. Conditions Helped Illness happens when the mind, body and spirit become unbalanced, not only within your being but with the Earth and the Universe. Reiki treatment works to harmonize, or bring into balance, the total you. It:
Further information on: The Reiki Association The Reiki Association is a community of people initiated into Reiki and is part of the world wide Reiki community. |