Chinese relaxation massage is based on the qi energy system. It relaxes the mind and physical body and stimulates the circulation of blood and qi. It is used for deep relaxation, to maintain health, prevent illness, to slow down the aging process and to help you adapt to sudden environmental changes (i.e. climate changes, jet lag etc.) It incorporates acupressure and meridian massage, thus unblocking and balancing the energy channels in the body. It can improve the health of the internal organs as well as the skin and muscle. Massage increases your awareness and understanding of your body and makes you feel more centred and grounded.
Acupressure is the stimulation of the same points used in acupuncture. Instead of needles, finger pressure is used. It releases muscular tension, improves the circulation of the blood and bioenergy (qi), and enhances the body's natural self-curative ability. Acupressure can balance emotional and stress-related disorders as well as physical problems, especially when used in conjunction with essential oils. It can alleviate a wide range of symptoms including sleeping problems, digestive and respiratory problems, and joint pain. |
Meet the Therapist
Joanne Baker |